"Cash Me Ousside"

"How bow dah?!"  I was so confused when I saw everyone posting about this girl.  And then I realized, it was from Dr. Phil.  Now it all makes sense.  Dr. Phil is life.  He has taught me about Garcinia Combogia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and how to be a rebelious-gangsta-bad-ass-bitch.  The knowledge I gain daily from this man is life-changing and downright emotional!  He has the heart of Jerry Springer, and the motherly instinct of Judge Judy; I just wish he had a make-over segment like Ricki Lake!  Dr. Phil could wash the red out of the "Cash me ousside" girl's hair (think Ty from Clueless make-over.)  Dr.Phil makes-us pretty on the inside.  I would love if our "ousside" matched [our insides].  I am thinking:  daytime version of The Swan... Thoughts?