Remember being young and waking up after a night of drinking ...and being able to function? Today was not one of those days. See, I got some amazing news, that I am not at liberty to speak of, so a night out to celebrate was def in order. Being that I usually wake up at 6am, when I woke up at noon, feeling like a vegetable, I needed Chick-Fil-A... immediately! I don't know if everyone was also hungover [on the way to the drive thru] or just the bridge and tunnel weekend traffic, but the half mile drive turned into an hour experience. With a throbbing head, I couldn't help but wonder if there was a circus in town, or if it was in-fact an apocalypse! First, I saw a homeless man with 11 dogs (yes I was in gridlock traffic so I had time to count). Ironically, all the dogs were wearing (what appeared to be new) clothes, while the homeless man was wearing traditional homeless garb...weird. Then I saw 2 separate white females with corn-rows. Unless you just got back from Mexico on spring break, or you are Christina Aguilera "Dirty", I have 2 words for you ladies, cultural misappropriation. Then, when I neared my destination, there was a Hasidic Jew in full "costume" crossing 4 lanes of moving traffic... Literally causing a traffic jam as he played Frogger through a non-walking intersection... Girl, those curls were a bouncin'! I went through the drive thru, and went home. Thinking this hell-ish experience would soon be over and I could eat my chicken in the comfort and normalcy of my own apartment, I look in the bag and they forgot my sauces! -With that, a phone call to Chick-Fil-A [on Sunset Blvd] was made... and Regina George lost it! Karma's a bitch when you are, so I don't know why I am being punished when I am always such a sweet innocent angel!