Nothing says "thirst" quite like a blogger getting their picture taken. It's so cringe-worthy... I am perplexed as to how one should react! If I stare, it's as if I'm condoning their behavior, and in doing so, giving them the validation of attention they so desire... BUT it's also like watching a cheetah attach a gazelle in the wild...being able to witness their entity getting thrashed to shit ...and judging them like the carnivore I am!
You can tell [in their mind] they think they are serving some Naomi Campbell realness, when in actuality they look like a cake-face Shrek dressed in head-to-toe Forever 21. The delusion is real. I would rather go to Afghanistan than have anyone see me getting my picture taken... -Which makes my life difficult; getting content for my blog, without becoming a national travesty!
The other day, I was getting ready to stage a fake "crossing the street" pic, I was lurking around so paranoid [that someone would bear witness to the misrepresentation of my character] that I froze, and found myself standing in the middle of moving traffic... and nearly getting hit by a car. That right there kids, is considered "Social Suicide"!
On my grave: "He went down doing what he loved, being a thirst mongrel… We don't know if this roadkill is a product of a ridiculous picture, or if he was in-fact crossing the street to a Bath and Body Works 2 for 1 candle sale. Live, Laugh, Love…Basic Bitch.”