If my life were a movie, it would be "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" Actually, if you are reading my blog, a better reference would be Lindsay Lohan in "Just My Luck." I often wonder if I was Hitler in my past life, and that's why I am cursed with horrible luck. Anything that could possibly go wrong [in my life], typically does. When I was growing up it really affected me, but now days I don't get my hopes up [for anything], knowing full well that the worst-case scenario will naturally play out. Last weekend, I had planned to go to Las Vegas to celebrate my sister's birthday with her and her friends. I never get to see my family, and the weight of the world has been weighing me down, so a weekend away was just what the doctor ordered! Being from Minnesota, a country music festival, slot machines, and no drinking restrictions was in the books! I was so excited! As my [shitty] luck reared it's ugly head [yet again], an unfortunate work emergency came up, and I was forced to cancel my trip. All weekend I was salty as shit; acting as a servant to the natural public, when I should be having the time of my life (heavily intoxicated listening to Jason Aldean, and cashing out at the slots). After work, I went home. My night consisted of Tylenol PM and a pitty-party. Having fallen asleep at 8:30pm, I woke up at 4am to use the bathroom. That's when I noticed a miss call from my sister [hours prior]. Thinking she was drunk-dialing me from Vegas I didn't think much of it. Naturally, I scrolled through IG and saw a post that made my stomach drop... "Pray for Las Vegas". Knowing my sister had planned to attend the concert (where the shooting occurred), and getting a missed call from her, I had a horrible gut-feeling and I lost it! I finally got a hold of my sister, and by the grace of God, she and her friends' were safe.
Despite my previous string of bad luck, I am enlightened to believe someone upstairs is watching out for me. What I thought was the worst weekend of my life, could have wound up a hell-of-a-lot worse. I am not one to leave a party early, and would have stayed to watch Jason Aldean's set (as he was one of the artists I was excited to see). I am thankful for my shitty luck [this time] and that I wasn't able to attend, but so heartbroken by the whole situation. 58 people had the same plans I did, but didn't make it home after that concert. I couldn't help but think of the worst case scenario [if my plans wouldn't have fell through]... and how short life is. In wake of this tragedy, it's a good wake-up call. If you love someone, tell them. If you aren't happy, change what you are doing. And if you are a serial killer, get your fucking life together and seek help, or kill yourself; not innocent people!
Posting pictures and talking fashion seems so arbitrary in spite of the subject matter, but life is about picking up the pieces, and moving on...It was very relaxing and necessary to take a walk along the ocean in Santa Monica. There is something to be said about being in the presence of the ocean and surrounded by something so much bigger than yourself (to clear your head).