But maybe a bitch should try. The past couple of weeks have been a bit of a tumultuous cunundrum-fuck for me. I literally felt like my life was falling apart at the seams... Ironically, the only thing holding me together (and pulling me apart) was alcohol. I realize that vodka doesn't cure any problems, but it sure fuckin' helps. While figuring out my life [and curing my hangovers] I found refuge in the support of my family and friends. I find that when I go through tough times [in life], my group of friends undergo natural selection. When I am dealing with family health problems, I don't need my phone blown-up about a Tindr boy not texting you back. I always put loved one's feelings, before my own. It's shocking how so many people are so self-involved, they can't differentiate real-life problems, with their delusional drama. They honestly think their out-grown highlights are on the same stress-scale as cancer. It's so crazy to me! Just know, horrible friend, when you have a real issue... I will be there for you, and in the meantime... He's not texting you back because you have busted hair, and a draining personality. My supreme jacket's spots are leopard, and you're a basic bitch (with fried hair).
Hat Neff // Sunglasses RayBan // Jacket Supreme // Hoodie Kooples // Tshirt SHOPsektual.com // Jeans Levis // Shoes Golden Goose