Turning my back to 2017, like "new phone, who's this?" This year has been a bit of a whirl-wind for me. It was filled with extreme highs and devastating lows. Through this shit storm, I learned a lot about myself. -And whats better than learning more about your favorite subject, ME! ;) I could not be happier to have a clean start. Every year I wake up on January 1 greeted with a stage 8 hangover; so this year I am going to try something new ...and just sleep through it! Being insane has been described as doing the same thing repeatedly, and expecting different results... Drinking my body weight in vodka doesn't seem to be working out for me, so here's a Cheers to hoping! Regardless, I think I'll be in better company with myself, rather than the sea of bridge and tunnels' wearing Forever 21's versions of the Herve Leger bandage dress and those fuckin' trashy sequins. Have fun out there Felicia's! #AmatuerHour!