To The Class of 2018...

Graduation is around the corner, and since I've been around the block, I have some advice to the class of 2018.  Wear sunscreen.  -Forgo college.  -And listen to your elders; as a 30-something year old, let me paint a little picture into your future:

Applying for jobs in Los Angeles is ridiculous.  To me it feels like prostitution; I think higher of myself than putting a price on my endless plethora of skills.  Ironically, in today's work-force, employers have endless prerequisites for their little whores; 2 major necessities keep popping up: having a bachelor's degree, and 6 years relative "work" experience... Those are 2 big commitments for a job that pays a mere $15.00/ hour.  

Let me spell this out for you...

You graduate High School at 18 years old... 

You go to college for 4 years (22 years old)... 

Hopefully you find a job right after graduation, in the field of your major, and then you will be working an entry level job for those 6 years [for the "relative work experience"] (28 years old)... 

Now you are nearly 30 years old, in major debt of students debt, (& probably credit card debt) and finally have all the qualifications for the [previously stated] "dream job".  

With fingers crossed that you will even be hired, seeing as there is a sea of other applicants, but hypothetically, Congratulations!  ... We will say they hired you!   You are now a full time employee making $15/hour!   

Being employed  making such little money wouldn't even cover my alcohol addiction.  Let alone my designer taste.  Nor will it put a dent in that student load.  -And I am not even going to get into the fact of where you will be living in Los Angeles for the pesos you make on that paycheck.  It's an absolute joke and straight up fuckery!  Trying to set up your life for success with an education has basically left you pover.  I am gonna have to start hooking on Craigslist to put a roof over my head and morsels in my belly!  America seems pretty great.  The land of opportunities {that pay shit.}  

So kids, drop out of school, and start working.  If you are forced to put a price tag on yourself...make sure it's a big one.

Sunglasses Dior // Jacket Top Man // T-shirt Kelly Cole // Belt Zara // Pants Rag & Bone // Shoes Golden Goose