Oh What A World

Shit sucks. I still can't find toilet paper, paper towels, Purell, Lysol, masks, or gloves. I am a prisoner in my tiny ass apartment, with the spawn of Satan (who I call my daughter, Sophie). I can't go to the beach, on a hike, or to a restaurant. The highlight of my days are going for my morning runs, and I HATE working out. 

I am thankful I don't have Coronavirus (yet) but I am miserable. Everyone tells me to be grateful, but that's hard when you don't feel great. Every where I turn I hear the media tell me "We are all in this together" but the ironic fact is we aren't all in this together. We are actually in it by ourselves hence the social distancing and quarantining. Every time I click on Instagram, I see these douchey influencers preaching: "Stay positive"... the whole point of this shitshow is actually stay negative! The only thing worse than these newfound spiritual leaders, are all the misconceptions. So many people had a friend tell them some ridiculous statistic, and listening to people with a 9th grade education spreading medical advice makes my blood boil... maybe it's the beginning stages of a fever. 

You would think with everyone in the fucking world dealing with the same stress of this pandemic, that everyone would treat each other with a little more kindness and empathy. I have never in my life felt more disrespect from the pedestrian public. In the year 2020 everyone should have the ability to have masks and gloves (that cost nothing to make) to feel protected. -But can we also supply each other with some rulers. I will be 10 feet away from someone and the grunts and nasty looks I get is ridiculous. Catch me on a bad day and I will step into your 6 foot bubble, and cough in your face and lick your eyeball. There are billions of people in the world. You can't keep 6 feet away from everyone, at all times, in a metropolitan area. You just physically can't. We aren't making out, we are trying to get produce... Relax. Life fucking sucks for everyone right now, don't be part of the problem.