Anyone else feel like we are on some sort of weird reality show? -But already know the outcome? We know we are going to lose, but we have to sit through commercials and tune in weekly just to see our predetermined fate? ... Because same.
I've been cooped up in my apartment (which is beginning to feel like an insane asylum) for about 3 months. I am not complaining... I'm simply saying the entire world shut down to prevent this pandemic, so why the fuck would we re-open when we don't have a cure? Is everyone turning a blind eye to that fact? Can nobody else see that we are going to end up in the same situation we were in 3 months ago? Spikes in cases, more people dying... How does this make sense?
I understand that people are freaking out cause they need to go out and work, but I just can't sympathize with these people. If you are out of work you can collect unemployment. If anyone should be pissed it is me. I continue to work 40+ hours a week and make less money than the people sitting on their ass collecting unemployment (with all the added bonus pandemic pay). So chill on the IG and Facebook rants, your nails and roots look fine! -I digress.
The fact of the matter is we were issued to stay at home because every time you go anywhere, you could catch something....AND not know it… and then pass it to other people -AND that is STILL the case. So everyone needs to fucking stop!
These meatheads risking everyones' life to get a pump in a garage full of baboons chest-pumping and grunting on Instagram... I’d rather go down in Columbine than by some irresponsible roided asshole spreading germs at the supermarket.
And these 30+ aged basic white bitches gathering in large groups (in TJMAX decorated apartments with vertical blinds) cheers-ing to "quarantine" in boomerangs... I have no respect for you (and clearly neither does any man cause every one of you are single.) These are the girls who will then drunk-drive home from "said apartment" to be safe; cause "taking an Uber is scary with the Coronavirus"... Trash!
I am constantly shocked at how unintelligent the pedestrian public is, which is why our cases continue to climb in this country. It's disgusting and you are embarrassing. Just because you are bored doesn’t mean this crisis is over.