Life 101

Graduation is around the corner. Since you are not having a graduation ceremony... I've taken it upon myself to voluntarily give the class of 2020 commencement speech!  

First order of advice, -listen to your elders; as I am a 30-something year old, listen to ME:

Stay at home as long as you can, don't go to college and at your earliest convenience inherit some form of disability.

Here is a preview of your future:
Applying for jobs is a shitshow.  To me it feels like prostitution; I think higher of myself than putting a price on my endless plethora of skills.  Ironically, in today's work-force, employers have a long list of prerequisites for their little whores; 2 major necessities keep popping up: having a bachelor's degree, and 6 years relative "work" experience... Those are 2 big commitments for a job that pays a mere $15.00/ hour.  

Let's take a deep dive into these "prerequisites" and let me paint you a picture...

You graduate High School (18 years old)... 

You go to college for 4 years (22 years old)... 

Hopefully you find your “dream job” right after graduation in the field of your major (which in this political climate-Good luck). Then you will be working an entry level job for those 6 years [for the relative "work experience"] (28 years old)... 

You are nearly 30 years old, in major debt of student loans (and probably credit cards) and finally have all the qualifications for the [previously stated] "dream job".  

You can now apply and fingers crossed you will get hired (seeing as there is a sea of other applicants with the exact same experience)...[We are being optimistic and hypothetically]... "Congratulations"!  ... We will say they hired you! You are now a full time employee ...making $15/hour! 

Years of hard work, education and debt, and you now have the income to be technically classified as low-income!  Way to go! My best advice would be to get a job and then try to get fired and hope these Rona paychecks keep will be making way more with unemployment than slaving 40 hour work weeks. Gotta love America!

Being employed making such little money couldn't even cover my alcohol addiction.  Let alone my designer taste.  Nor will it put a dent on that student loan (and CC debt).  -And I am not even going to touch on where you would be living (in Los Angeles) for the pesos you make with that paycheck...Skid Row...on a friends couch?!  It's an absolute joke and straight up fuckery!  Trying to set up a successful future with an education has basically left you pover. In your spare time you better start an OnlyFans account and begin hooking on Craigslist to simply have money to eat.

So kids if you thought your senior year sucked, just wait.

Drop out of school, start climbing the corporate totem pole, marry rich...or use that disability for some government money... and pray your family has money! Being educated has never felt so worthless.

  If you are forced to put a price tag on yourself...make sure it's a big one.