I ain't SA-rry

We need to talk about sexual assault. -Because in the year 2022, my low-budget, archaic blog is literally the only platform where you can openly talk about it or even say the words without violating "community guidelines"... Mentioning it on Instagram will get your post flagged, if you post about it on TikTok, it gets censored and then removed. If you discuss it on YouTube you can only refer to it as "SA" and will still likely get deleted. WTF?! Who owns all these platforms: rich white men... who are silencing the alarm to protect: rich white men. In a time where everyone is so woke, that even the term "woke" was cancelled because it triggered people, why are we so complicit with being silenced on such a heavy topic?

In banning all content is to literally victim-shame people into not speaking out and to further perpetuate the abuse by keeping victims silent and the predators free. HOW IS THIS HAPPENING? Not talking about it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Are we protecting innocent eyes from trauma? That is very naive and naive to not educate people that this is happening and you are not alone. By not hearing others' stories, it ostracizes victims to feel like they are alone (with no voice or community) to speak up...anywhere.

As a country we need to wake the fuck up. If you are brave enough to come forward, you are not mentioned as a survivor, but rather labeled a liar or a slut or "were asking for it". How many times have you heard the news say "ALLEGED sexual assault"...The fact that we as a society aren't even believing victims when they come forward is completely disgusting! In the rare case that "said rich man" doesn't just pay off the victim for silence; The sentencing is offensive. The abuser destroys a life forever, and their punishment is probation for a couple months. To expand on that, the only way someone gets actual jail time is if they assault a minor. Basically setting the example that if you are 18+ you are on your own to defend the horny ass men of the world, because if they ever get convicted, they will simply get a slap on the wrist. Furthermore... in places like Texas, if a woman gets raped and got an abortion, her conviction for getting the abortion would be more harsh than the man who raped her... WHAT-THE-ACTUAL-TRUMP-AMERICA-FUCK IS GOING ON HERE??

The power dynamic in this country is fucking horrid. Jeffery Epstein assaulted hundreds of little girls... and society believed a rich white man over multiple women that came forward to report him. People with money and power can do whatever the fuck they want. It's delusional that with all the millionaire tax fraud in this country, that we still believe a rich CEO over a person working paycheck to paycheck to support themselves... The rich white male answer is always, “they are coming after my money”... -Did it occur [to you] that said person can't afford to lose their job, so why would they jeopardize their livelihood to report such a serious claim if it wasn't true?!

We all need to educate ourselves. These assaults are happening all around you (from sexual harassment to rape). Banning the words online is simply adding more of a stigma to a topic that many people will unfortunately have to navigate. After George Floyds brutal murder we all had to wake the fuck up and educate ourselves on the injustice in our community. It's time to re-train the way we think of assault and understand that maybe someone doesn't want to get rich, that maybe they just don't want to get unwillingly penetrated!!! And proper consequences need to be made…

To read more on power dynamics I HIGHLY recommend "My Body" by Emily Ratajkowski

I also just read Isabel Kaplan's book "NSFW" that was very uncomfortable to read but is very insightful.

If you don't want to read [a book] after reading this long-winded blog, you can listen to the song "F*** Yourself" by Leyla Blue and get the jist in 3 minutes and 15 seconds

**I know sexual assault doesn't just happen by rich/white/men. If you don’t like that I said that (or anything for that matter)...I encourage you to create your own blog. And you can write your own opinions. And air your own thoughts. And say whatever the fuck you want. Until then...don't come after mine.