Free Sektual

I normally don't like to get this personal, but I would like to discuss a very serious subject matter that I have been enduring the past couple of months. It's 2019. I feel like this sort of discrimination should only be present in history books and yet here I am actively getting publicly tared and feathered... and being pushed to the back of the bus. I have been shadowbanned on Instagram.

The only engagement I am getting on Instagram these days is from the "Community of Guidelines". AKA The Band of Trolls, who apparently take offense to my perfectly curated feed. Let me go on record by saying I am a pillar to the online community. I am not an influencer making people feel like shit about themselves behind a Valencia filter. I am not using editing tools to morphe and promote a fraudulent face, body or life. I am not abusing selfies. Nor do I lay my food out on display in public to take a picture of my avocado toast. I don't follow for follow and I double tap on posts of cute deformed animals up for adoption [to theme songs by Sarah McLaughlin]... and yet Instagram treats me like a terrorist.

Literally when I scroll through my Instragm feed it is flooded with fake asses and nipples. And those people show up on my explore page, have hundreds of thousands of followers [...and growing strong]. I post a photo of my beautiful (female) dog and caption it #BossBitch and I get penalized. I am going to turn my Instagram page into an OnlyFans account and I'll bend over and show you exactly where you can shove it, Instagram. Until them, continue to look at my exscind instagram page @sektual. You'll have to search for me since I am not showing up on anybody’s feed. #FreeSektual