"Saying someone can't be sad because someone else may have it worse is like saying someone can't be happy because someone else might have it better."
I'm going to start this the same way I have countless other blogs the past year... "Sorry- I promise I'll get better about posting more regularly." In my defense I have been working so much. My whole life seems to feel like work lately. However my bank account is painting a picture of a child in China sewing Fashion Nova apple bottom couture in a sweatshop. Every friend, acquaintance, and barfly in the northern hemisphere wants me to help them with their social media [unpaid]. Does Dr. Nasif do free nose jobs for people just because he's a doctor? No. Then why should I work for free?
I digress...
In all honestly I've had a lot going on. And unlike everyone else on Instagram I don't feel the need to broadcast every-single waking moment of my personal life online. Sometimes things happen that don't need the response of the pedestrian public. I don't want wishings of "I'm sorry" from strangers, I want to be left alone. I don't want to play victim to someone else's tragedy, I want to be sad.
I will never understand this current culture trend of people being "grief groupies." ...Those people who went to a Laker game once, and now have a personal attachment to the death of Kobe Bryant. It's completely devastating and sad. -And if you really feel that strongly, pause, reflect, and grieve. Take a beat and let it resonate, talk to a friend or family member, but don't go to strangers online for validation of condolences when there was no personal relationship. It is disrespectful to the people who are actually suffering; the ones who lost a father, a husband, a teammate. Quit being so thirsty. You were in the nosebleed section and a fair weather fan. I just want to ask these people: Wouldn't you rather be happy than hunting for grief? What happened to you as a child that you find joy in being hurt?
To shed light on where this is all coming from, an aquaintence passed away from suicide last week. We weren't super close, but it entirely shocked me and broke my heart. I felt it would be disrespectful to post a picture collage for likes and sympathy, when he was the one going through it.
What I am trying to say in this long winded-contradictory blog is that we need to be checking in and being there for each other instead of selfishly looking for validation on the internet. Spend more time thinking about the positive things in life instead of dwelling on all the depressing parts. The world is in a fucked up state, if you take on all the world's problems, your negative disposition will make you the problem in it. Life is too short to always feel like you have been dealt the short end of the stick.