I received a lot of heated emails about my last 2 blog posts. Thank you for inquiries. If you don't like my opinions, Karen, I suggest you start your own blog where you can freely air your own opinions. I won't read it, but whatever helps you sleep better at night. As a headstart to your venture into blogging, I have a piece of advice: "Your" is the second person possessive adjective, used to describe something as belonging to you. “You're” is the contraction of "you are" and is often followed by the present participle.
To help you with this difficult homophone here are some examples of bad examples (from actual emails):
"Your an uneducated egotistical moron." (incorrect)
“Have fun in the deepest pits of hell after you die. Your a try hard piece of shit you ugly sweaty ball fuck.” (incorrect)
And here I will respond with examples of proper grammar usage:
"Karen, you're trash." (correct)
"Your Facebook profile picture linked to your email address isn't flattering, Karen." (correct)
Sending lots of love to my sweet followers.❤️