I am Brett Dreissig… on socials @sektual …and here you are at metroSEKTUAL.com… First and foremost, this blog is for entertainment only, it’s satirical, it’s a creative outlet, it’s my weird off-humor and my negative take on the world. It was probably also written while extremely hangry, so take with a grain of salt… mmmm salty In-N-Out fries yummm… I digress.

So you may be wondering what is with the name?  I was blessed at the age of 15 to have long legs, a fast metabolism, and a face that was easily photoshopped; to enter the world of modeling. I guess you could say the smoke and mirrors aligned. [Hides in shame] My natural “uniform” consisted of an American Apparel DEEP V Tee (the ones cut down to your belly button)…needless to say the nickname “Sexual” was soon taken on… An oversensitive Instagram account later... it was modestly modified to "@SEKTUAL." I have outgrown the name, but it’s a little piece of time I can’t seem to change… and the handle @oldpotato has since been taken (sad).

As my nickname foreshadows, I am a bit controversial.  I started this because I was fucking tired of getting a men’s “fashion” magazine just to see page after page how to pick out a suit.  A collared shirt, a tie, a jacket?  -Not rocket science!  (Personally I would rather stab myself in the eye with a fork than wear a suit, but that's another issue.) The real dilemma is what to wear when you aren’t at the office?  No wonder we see so many clueless broncos roaming the streets looking like they got dressed in the dark!  They need my help, and (probably) so do you!!! I am here to vent, give some life and fashion tips, and take your mind away from the cruel world out there. Take an Advil and Pedialyte for that hangover [I know you have]....and enjoy a little escape! 

Happy reading,

