My Neck, My Back...

...My anxiety attack.  Do you ever have one of those days where everything goes wrong?  I have been having "one of those days" for the past 3 months.  I don't like to feed into the negativity and I hate the phrase, "when it rains, it pours."  With that being said, I can handle some rain, but when you throw Hurricane Matthew my way, sometimes a bitch needs an umbrella. 

Yesterday, I didn't have any clean gym clothes, so I decided I would do yoga at home via Apple TV (in my pajamas).  Thinking I outsmarted the system by not having to do laundry.  -And killing 2 birds with one stone (with the yoga helping tighten my body, and hopefully clearing my head from the negative karma I'm enduring).  I get my Lululemon yoga mat out, dust her off, and connect to my Apple TV. 

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Nothing is more frustrating than trying to relax and clear my mind with yoga when the WiFi is is acting like a little bitch!  I got so annoyed that I got my exercise by walking down the block to 711 and binge eating doughnuts...  Now I'm irritable, and fat, but this shearling jacket by Yigal Azrouel keeps a smile on my face!

Hat New Era // Sunglasses RayBan // Jacket Yigal Azrouel // Tshirt Kelly Cole // Jeans Zara // Shoes Golden Goose