V Thankful

Now that it is Thanksgiving, I guess this is the kick-off of the holiday season.  Something about the holidays makes me really sad.  It's like all of a sudden I turn into a fuckin' Care Bear, and think about all those people less fortunate than myself.  I am so thankful to be surrounded by my family and friends, and I know there are so many people out there that aren't as lucky.  This is beginning to sound like a Hallmark Holiday Movie so instead of having you run to get the Kleenex, here are some things I am thankful for... (in no particular order)

  1. Family & Friends (and new kitty Suki see below)... I mean duh, how obvious.
  2. My Jeep.  I was without a car for so long, and in LA that is social-suicide.
  3. Vodka.
  4. My BLK DNM Jacket.  It really was a game changer for me.
  5. Dominos Handmade Pan Pizza.  Don't get confused by the Dominos "Pan Pizza" -It's shit... You want the "Handmade Pan Pizza."  Thank me later.
  6. The podcast: Serial.  It made the traveling I've been doing lately so entertaining.  ...Literally I would get a little sad when we landed and I had to turn it off.  I imagine it has the same addictive qualities of crystal meth.
  7. Saint Laurent.
  8. Starbucks- for literally getting me through life.
  9. My cute little rent-controlled West Hollywood apartment...and especially the pool.
  10. All you guys for making this blog happen!  It all started with me simply needing a creative outlet.... and with the traffic and e-mails from around the world; I am overwhelmingly blessed and thankful!  Thank you!


Meet Suki, yes named after Suki Waterhouse.  I flew to Minnesota on my way back to LA from NY to surprise my mom for her birthday (be sure to see the video on my Instagram).  I couldn't show up empty handed...so I got her this sweet beautiful angel.  She lost her home and showed up on a woman's porch who couldn't keep her.  ...and now she is our little "Thanksgiving Miracle."   She loves to climb, cuddle and kiss!  I am literally obsessed.