Bowlers Do It In Alleys.

It's odd how similar bowling resembles life.  You lug around giant balls, try to knock out all the pin (heads), all while trying to stay out of the gutter...sounds like a regular Friday night to me (wink, wink.)  The odd juxtaposition is: I am pretty shitty at bowling...does that mean I'm shitty at life?  How does one determine how good or bad they are at life?  I have always equated a "good life" to happiness.  At the same time when I buy things, that also makes me happy.  Therefor does money buy happiness?  Oddly enough I have met my share of wealthy individuals in my life and they appear to be miserable.  As for me, when I randomly find a 5 dollar bill in my pocket, I am happier than a puppy with 2 tails.  I don't know the answer to any of these questions, but I do know this vintage bowling shirt does make me happy, and I didn't have to break the bank to buy it, so right now life is good!

Sunglasses Vintage // Tshirt T by Alexander Wang // Jacket Vintage // Jeans Re/Done // Shoes Adidas