Tears are words that need to be written. I took a little break because I needed to find those words. For me heartbreak overwhelms me to a nomadic state of dysphoria. It is like every sad memory I have ever felt in my life, re- floods my mind; and the emotions become unbearable. This year has really tested my limits as to how sad I thought I could feel. I am the type of person that doesn't want to bring anyone down with my personal issues, but sometime the pain is too much to mask. I can't help but wonder "Why?" I know death is inevitable but the time frame and pain involved seems a little malicious. I wonder if I know how happiness feels anymore or if all the scars of my past hurt have numbed all realm of that feeling. I just hope and pray I can catch a break to get this dark cloud off my shoulders. With that being said I would like to take the time to thank my family and friends for always being there to really help me pick up the pieces. Like I said I am not one to kill a vibe, and this is a fashion blog, so here are pictures taken on a much happier day, in Vegas celebrating the birth of a dear friend and METROsektual photographer Justin (Snapchat: thejustinohara)
There isn't a day that goes by I don't think of Tyra (my cat of 17 years) she brought so much love in my life. She was so special to me and I truly feel a part of me got lost when I lost you! I would do anything to have one more kiss on the nose from you or one more belly scratch.
and my dear Uncle Marv who passed away of stage 4 colon cancer. I talked to you just a few short days ago. You were taken from us far too early! I will always think of you and smile knowing you are giving everyone in heaven a good laugh with your raunchy sense of humor and kind heart. You will be so missed.
RIP Marv Dreissig and Tyra.
Hoodie The Kooples // Vest OakNYC // Tshirt Kelly Cole // Watch Vestal // Jeans Vintage Levis // Shoes Nike