I already know I am going to hell...at this point it's go big or go home. I had an enlightened revelation thinking about how short life is. Being tired is an excuse and I hate excuses. If I had 3 days to live, do you think sleeping would be on that list? "[Hell] No!" But if you really think about it, we have no control over our destiny. I could literally live to be 100 years old or die by getting struck by lighting tonight. [Well in LA an earthquake seems more realistic.] Regardless ...take every opportunity that comes your way, never settle for mediocrity, speak your mind, don't be afraid to say "Yes." and have some fucking fun! I love a hot, tropical climate so hell might not be a bad travel destination!
Hat Brixton // Sunglasses RayBan // Tank Vintage // Shorts Diesel // Shoes Saint Laurent // Jewelry Cartier/Giles & Bros/Vestal