As another Saturday night looms closer, the buzz question becomes "What are you doing tonight?" For me I have two options: Go out with friends -or- Date night with Keeping Up With The Kardashians (don't judge.) My first option will leave me out of commission all day Sunday and will probably include a carb-fest of doughnuts for breakfast, Domino's or lunch, and Taco Bell for dinner (to cure my hangover). Option number two will be relaxing, SURE, but I'm not meeting anyone sitting on my couch! Sure I will be up bright and early, go to the gym, and have a productive Sunday...but how lame! So I ask: What is there to do on a Saturday night beside getting blackout wasted?
- Bowling- I still need alcohol to make that fun
- A Movie- spending $30 dollars to sit in silence is not my idea of a good time
- Karaoke- I need to be heavily intoxicated to be up for that
- Game Night- Still more fun with alcohol.
Last night was cute... I tried Pinterest DIY projects as a sober activity... that was an epic failure (looked a lot like this)...Tonight the only thing I will be "Pinning" is this amazing pin (from Morgasm @djmorgasm) and getting drinks! CHEERS! XOXO, Gone Girl
Hat Vintage // Sunglasses Dior // Shirt Acne Studios // Jacket Vintage Levis // Pin Morgasm // Jeans Levis // Boots All Saints