Feeling Blue?

Nope.  I never feel blue because I am smart enough to know I can survive anything.  I wish I could say the same for everyone else.  Lately it feels like I have been bombarded with mindless idiots.  I do genuinely feel bad, maybe their mother's drank while pregnant.  How do these people get through life?  And why do they keep popping up in mine?  I am waiting for natural selection to take affect, but in the meantime praying these Felicia'sflea to Florida with the other rejects of North America.  It must suck to be fat and stupid... in the meantime shut your passive aggressive mouth,  get back in the ocean blue (like my tonal blue outfit here) baby Beluga, bye. 

Sunglasses Acne Studios // Jacket Vintage Levis // Tshirt OAK NYC // Jeans TopMan //  Shoes Golden Goose