Becoming Famous Is EASY...If You Are.

I was rummaging through the internet doing some market research and "Wow there is a lot of porn out there."  I was also shocked at the quality (or lack there of) of some of these "popular" bloggers.  Whether it be from a blog, Instagram, or simply a great mugshot picture, some of these basics struck gold....  Not to toot my own horn but I have more creativity in my toenail than I see on the pages of these "fashion" blogs.  {Toot-Toot}  It really makes me wonder "Who is following these people?"  I am actually quite concerned!  (Side Note: These clueless people will be voting for our nations president.)  The only useful tip I got from looking at these sites is what not to do.  It makes me sad someone might get inspiration from such awful content.  I am not saying I deserve to be rich and famous, I'm just saying I feel like I was supposed to be.  I guess I should start taking guitar lessons immediately, and get famous the old fashion way ... being afucking rock Metallica...