is like being rich in Monopoly...It's not real, so calm the fuck down. People take #SocialMedia #so #serious. I mean if you saw the photos on my phone, I too would be guilty... Taking 78 pictures just to find one (semi) decent photo is a bit aggressive. I then have to filter the shit out of that picture just to make it look "passable." People see me in real life and I am unrecognizable. But rewind for a second...I take that back... I am not guilty because you would NEVER be allowed to look at the photos on my phone. ...too much damning evidence in there. ...And I am not fessing up about filtering my pictures, maybe its just good lighting?!...[lies]
Reguardless, what is rich, are these new Dior Split Aviators. I wouldn't trade them for all the Insta-fame in the world!