I am so thankful this holiday weekend is over. I am not a big fan of bank holidays. I am usually off on Mondays anyway, so for me it's simply having to wait an extra day for my online purchases to arrive. I also don't know if it was the long weekend, or if Mercury is in retrograde, but people were acting crazy! Not the fun, dancing on bar tables crazy; but like Britney meltdown with an umbrella crazy. I too, was not feeling my "sektual" self...I found myself in sweatpants instead of swim trunks, and catching up on Bachelor in Paradise instead of riding an inflatable swan at a pool party. I opted for a relaxing glass of wine, alone rather than a bottle of vodka in binge. I must be getting sick. Nothing's quite like a face mask, some trash magazines and music in the bath tub to bring be back to life (ok and another glass of wine). Like my shirt, my go to band is Metallica... "Nothing Else Matters" and "Unforgiven" have always been 2 of my favorites.
Hat Top Man // Sunglasses Dior // Jacket Levi // Shirt F.O.G. // Shorts Zanerobe // Shoes Balenciaga