2 Cents

I am not one to shy away from giving my 2 cents, but I am the self proclaimed voice of reason, and when the Dalai Lama speaks, people should probably listen. Let me start by saying I have been spending less and less time on social media. The whole thing feels so contrived and for lack of better words, annoying as fuck. Besides the fact that Instagram has turned into some low budget swap meet (everyone trying to hawk products and pushing promo codes)... It's turned a creative space into this platform for mediocrity. In recent events, everyone feels the need to have a voice and be heard, but I learned very young, if you have nothing profound to say, don't say anything at all.

My annoyance started at the beginning of the pandemic when every influencer, celebrity, brand was telling people "we are all in this together" and to "stay positive". Such a cute and uplifting message. {sarcasm} Because it's complete bullshit; the only way to beat this pandemic is to NOT be together, and we don't want to stay positive, we want to test negative. So you are basically displaying to all your followers that you are fucking stupid and should shut the fuck up.

Now we are approaching an election...and my blood is boiling. Yet again the same thirst mongrel brands, celebs, influencers are telling EVERYONE to get out and register and vote …But do you REALLY want EVERYONE to vote? That means you are pushing people to also vote for someone you DONT want re-elected. It’s like the BLM movement where everyone is posting the same “PC” message, but not spreading any education or awareness. Why is nobody posting (what they are indirectly trying to say): “If you are voting for Biden, register and go out and vote”? -Oh, cause that would be too controversial! It's like you are trying to make a political statement (because it's trending), but not balls-y enough to actually make the statement. Grow a pair or shut the fuck up.

Off topic, but can we just collectively stop with all these TikToks of people changing their outfits to the beat of a song. Great you have 5 outfits, but bitch WHERE👏 ARE👏 YOU👏 EVEN👏 GOING? Everyone hates you and thinks you are ridiculously basic, and not 1 of those 5 looks is even cute… And don't even get me started with these kids spending hours putting fake fucking freckles on their face with henna... Maybe you could look for a job with all your free time instead of living off the government... or fry your skin in the sun and get some real freckles. -Trash!
Stay postitive! 🖕

Disclaimer: Don’t @ me, I only post things I actually use or have purchased. The only time I will hawk a product is if I am getting paid serious coin. I've worked retail too many years to embarrass myself for some commission pyramid scheme or free products LOL -And sorry for cussing so much in this blog.