Santa can get around the world in one night, but I’ve been trying to navigate my seasonal depression on top of my everyday depression and debilitating anxiety for months.
The only anti-depressants that doesn’t cause weight gain is Wellbutrin (which I’m maxed out on my mg’s and the side effects can cause anxiety). The only anxiety pill that doesn’t completely void my personality has a side effect of …(drum roll) depression. We are sending celebrities into space but we can’t properly prescribe a pill cocktail that works for me… good job 🙄
Although my manic mental health is not dependent on a certain thing(s) (or maybe it’s everything?)… But here are some triggers that definitely won’t help:
Don’t ask someone who is visibly upset “whats wrong”
-If there is something wrong you already know it, and if I wanted to talk to you about it, I would. So be seen and not heard. This happens a lot when I am having severe anxiety and if you say “Relax” well I will resort to violence.
Don’t ever say “you look tired”
I am tired, but the reason I look tired is because I am actually just ugly now! We can go tic for tac on my opinions on your appearance but from previous experience that never ends well. -And I want to open up that avenue for a second… How can someone slant me and say “you look tired” (which means I am not looking my best), but if I rebuttal with “the pores on your face look like a sponge and the concealer you are wearing isn’t camouflaging anything; it’s just making the problem worse” someone would literally have a conniption fit… but it’s the same. Don’t comment on the way I look and I won’t hurt your feelings.
I can go on for hours about airport behavior that makes my blood boil… but people springing to their feet when the plane parks is high on my list… or maybe it’s when the luggage bell rings and everyone storms the conveyor belt, there is a special place in hell for all of you.
Bad internet can send me into a tail-spin
Ok hear me out… I drink a lot of water (and “spiked” beverages) I think it is completely absurd that you have to buy something to use the bathroom in public. It feels like a basic human right, right? -Do you want to charge me for the air I’m breathing also? This literally makes me want to give everyone involved a golden shower. I’m getting gassed up just thinking about this.
You know what doesn’t give me anxiety?… NYC. Here are some pictures from my trip:
Brett Dreissig