{As a prefix, Sophie is perfectly healthy and fine}
Hell hath no fury like a father scorned.
Let me start at the beginning, I have lived in my apartment for years. Great location, modest size, walking distance to everything I need. The only downfall is the artifacts that live here. One angry tenant in particular has been a pain in the ass from “go”. The age old story: hard on the eyes, shaped like a bowling ball, obviously single and angry at the world. -And taking his self hatred out on the nice, quiet, respectful (hot LOL) neighbor downstairs; me. His courtyard shit talking, passive aggressive notes on my car, daily distain in the human experience was not unnoticed but I could brush it off because if they are talking shit about you, they are already beneath you. However, recently things escalated. I have had Princess Sophie for 2 years (with no problems). Out of nowhere [Tuesday] I get word that someone has put moth balls all over the front lawn. Toxic for dogs and people. My apt manager thinking that it was another dinosaur [tenant] is equally as furious (as I am) and said she will report to the city and sort this out.
Nothing happens and I continually pick up more moth balls. I talk to said manager and ask what the city says and she said she didn’t call because it wasn’t that T-Rex, it was this other dinosaur and he told her it wasn’t toxic (admitting to her that he did it). Um considering the purpose of mothballs is to poison (and with a simple Google search quickly see it is in fact extremely toxic for dogs and kids) I call bullshit. Her negligence and resolution for me is to take Sophie somewhere else to go to the bathroom. That’s when I have a conniption. I live in West Hollywood, everyone has a dog, dogs walk on grass, dogs eat things in the grass...and he put poison in the grass; and my apt manager is turning a blind eye because it’s not the guy she is trying to get out, but her pal? That’s gonna be a no for me dawg.
So I put my Kim Kardashian “people’s justice” lawyer hat on and called the city, animal control, got on Neighborhood app, looked up all the city council people and private message them on IG, and alerted all the neighbors. I have gotten the situation escalated... but why the fuck is it taking so long?
Let me put this into perspective:
If someone brings explosives somewhere (even if they don’t go off) there is intent to hurt/injure/kill and shit would have SWAT teams, police and a prosecution.
This man has put poison out with the sole intention to harm dogs in our front yard (with no signage) and there is seemingly no urgency? It’s like everyone is just waiting for an animal/child to get serious poisoned or killed. -And I’m not here to wait around for that.
Being the only tenant with a dog, I feel like it’s a personal attack and it is taking every ounce of my being to handle this “by the book”/legally, and not go full fledge bad-shit-crazy on this poor excuse of a human.
I just feel like my hands are tied in this situation. I was told I can’t put his name or photo on the Neighborhood app, I can’t put his name/photo on signage in the neighborhood (to be on the look out for his suspicious behavior)... like I can’t do anything, but he can try to kill my dog... what 👏the 👏actual 👏fuck.
*But if you do live in the neighborhood and want to be on the lookout, I can give you his description: 5’9 White-ish male, early 70’s, very round body (300+ pounds), [I’m not a doctor but] looks to have severe Gynecomastia (when men have very enlarged breasts), grey unconditioned wire-y unkept hair, goatee, has wore the same black tshirt every day for 7+ years, walks like a duck-billed platypus, beady eyes, hot tempered.
If you or someone you know can help escalate this along in any way, please reach out contact@metrosektual.com
We have to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves. Justice for Sophie.