This song holds such special meaning to me. I played it on repeat when I moved to LA. At 18 I was still a child... Part of me felt like I was stifled long enough and ready to take the world by storm... Another part of me felt so unprepared; that I was making the biggest mistake of my life. I remember my parents leaving and being all alone in my new home in LA listening to this song...My mind flooded with memories of my childhood that seemed like "just yesterday." Now as I listen, I can't help but feel the nostalgia of my youth flash before my eyes like the fast forward filter on Snapchat. I constantly wonder if it was all worth it? Did I make the right decisions? Leaving my family and friends and "that life" behind... The thought of "time" always leaves me with a lump in my throat. I feel like I grew up too fast and now I'm trying to catch up, but time waits for no one. It's like stepping on a fast-moving treadmill with no momentum. As I listen to this song it leaves me a bit makes me think of my parents. They have always been so supportive of everything I do (no matter how crazy the idea is.) My mom tells me I'll always be her little boy, no matter how old I am (or feel) her I will always be "forever young."
Hat Ness // Sunglasses Dior // Tshirt LAG Vintage // Jeans and Jacket Levis // Shoes Saint Laurent