A wise man once said (actually I don't know if he was wise, or just an alcoholic)... "Beer before liquor, never been sicker...Liquor before beer, you're in the clear." I always love learning new educational facts... but...I don't drink beer! I guess it is one of those acquired tastes, I never picked up. I don't enjoy the taste and I can't stand the bloated feeling I'm left with after. ...Regardless, what does this mean as far as my well being? If I strictly drink liquor (no beer) will I be "in the clear"? From my personal life experience, I don't think "never been sicker" is an accurate term. I think it is much more extreme than just a hangover...I call it "K-Hole." The most accurate description of "K-hole" would be a blend of vertigo, sea sickness, and moderate food poisoning...only cured by greasy food and doughnuts. Don't let this Alexander Wang bag fool you...it is a glorified brown paper bag!
Hat New Era // Vest OAK NYC // Flannel Koto // Tshirt Kelly Cole // Jeans Levis // Shoes Nike // Bag Alexander Wang