I don't sleep anymore. I prefer to stay up all night running a million different scenarios in my head (that will never happen) rather than get a full night's sleep.
During my all-nighters, my head goes to some pretty strange places. One night was consumed by spending hours looking at the hashtag for #horsegirls...(the time was not wasted) the interweb is a dark place.
But some of my best ideas are my 3 am thoughts... here are some questions I have been asking myself, and I can't help but wonder why no one else is asking these questions... or maybe they are, bitch, I don't know I'm tired.
1. Am I the only one who sees the paradox between Donald Trump and these weird church people supporters? I feel like the basis of the Republican party revolves around religion (I mean what happened to the separation between church and state... but whatever) The Bible Belt is typically conservative and vote red because these inbreds believe the Republican party upholds their spiritual beliefs. I am obviously not a reliable source on this topic, but isn't the entire premise of Christianity about being kind, respectful, having morals [...blah blah blah]? -And yet you chose to elect (and choose to support) Donald Trump who is evil, sexist, racist, and a criminal. To me, a highly educated realist who thinks in metaphors, can't help but think this would be like vegans worshipping and supporting Burger King. It doesn't make sense.
2. All these skincare companies are preaching that they are all natural. If you are using raw ingredients... How are your skincare products able to sit on the shelf at room temperature without an expiration date? You leave fruit out for too long it goes bad...Someone please advise.
3. Why does everyone want to be so relatable? In my insomnia, I watch a lot of YouTube. (I'll start by saying "GUILTY" -I am watching and contributing to those "view" analytics) -But all these girls have the same premise: Here I am journaling with my coffee, let me show you how I make avocado toast, here is my new pimple, let me use my reusable straw (because I care about the environment) while I do a haul from Princess Polly (that is literally the epitome of fast fashion destroying our economy and environment). -Millions of views of girls doing the exact same thing. Isn't the sole purpose of vlogging to show your personality and in doing so gaining followers who are intrigued by you? Yet all these basic white girls are killing it, using this exact prototype. I've said this many times, but I use my social media and blog as a creative outlet... If I did what everyone else does... I would get no joy in doing it; creating it! -Yet I have plateaued at my growth so I am just a dumb bitch for not copying what everyone else is doing (who is growing at exorbited rates)-- but don't worry I'm not changing. I don't want to be relatable, I want people to be more receptive.
4. When did everyone get their doctorate? I don't go on Facebook often, but when I do... I wish I didn't. So weird how everyone I went to high school with is a doctor now. It's funny that some of these people had trouble graduating high school, but are now giving clinical advice on Covid Vaccines. There is a lot to unpack here, but I honestly don't want to deep dive into that type of delusion/mis-education. -But I'll stick to the doctors and statistics, tysm.
5. Should I even be sleeping? We are supposed to sleep for 8 hours a night, work for another 8 hours, buy food, cook and wash dishes (3 times a day), call mom and dad, get 10,000 steps, bathe at least once, post on social media, wash clothes, clean the house, take Sophie out to go to the bathroom, skin care, socialize... am I the only one who finds this impossible? No wonder I can't sleep, I am too stressed trying to figure out how to fit 72 hours of obligations into a 24 hour day.
Brett Dreissig | @sektual